2nd March 2016.

The lives of 10 underprivileged children were changed forever in February, as kind people from around the world sponsored children for school.

Children Sponsored

Sponsorships are an incredible gift to children and families who have nothing. It enables them to stay in school and escape poverty through education.

The 10 new sponsorships in March, combined with four sponsors in January, make our 2016 total 14 new children sponsored for school.

Thank you to Sponsors

We extend our thanks to new sponsors Dawn and Dominique (5 times!), Bernadette, Stephanie, Sandy, Erin and Charlotte who all became new sponsors.

Of course, we give our continued thanks to all sponsors whose ongoing commitment is forever changing the lives of children and their families.

You can read the story of each child by clicking on the images below. If you are considering becoming a sponsor, you can learn more here or click one of the buttons below.


sponsor a child





Wisma sponsored by Bernadette


Tari Sponsored by Sandy








Yudi sponsored by Charlotte



Gita Prasya sponsored by Erin

Erlika was sponsored by Stephanie

Dawn and Dominique sponsored children in February