5th February 2018

Upon seeing Bali Children’s Project’s latest work, original founder, John Cooke wrote an open letter of congratulations as well as a look into the past.

Congratulations to The Bali Children’s Project on Twenty-Five Years of Success!

Some twenty-five years have passed since the seeds of The Bali Children’s Project were first sown, and it seems appropriate that this auspicious event not be allowed to pass unnoticed.

Joyce and I no longer play any role in running the organisation, having passed on the baton to Linda, but we watch with pleasure (and no little pride) the remarkable growth and vigor which she has brought to BCP. Age and disability have taken their toll and restrict our desire to spend time in Bali and witness the work of BCP at first hand.

We would like to congratulate Linda and her staff on the work and vitality they have contributed to the extraordinary success of the organisation, and to thank the boundless generosity of the many individuals and organisations who have donated time, money and enthusiasm to the children of Bali.

This would seem a suitable occasion on which to post The Birth of a Dream, a piece written some time ago that describes the creation of The Bali Children’s Project.

Read The Birth of a Dream

See Bali Children’s Project’s 2017 review