22 04, 2015


2015-04-23T09:42:16-04:00April 22nd, 2015|Child of the Month, News|

This month, we are highlighting a plea for help from a family much in need. Ni Made Mariana and Ni Nyoman Mariani are inseparable twin sisters. The two girls are so bright and dedicated to learning, spending all their free hours helping their parents so they can get together school costs. But to secure their educational future, both are in need of a [...]

22 04, 2015

Ni Luh Rasmiati is Sponsored!

2015-04-22T08:30:59-04:00April 22nd, 2015|News, Sponsored children|

We bring fantastic news that Ni Luh Rasmiati is now sponsored for school! A HUGE thank you to the lovely Cecilie, who has become Ni Luh’s sponsor! Ni Luh is an adorable 7 year old first grader. She’s a sweet young girl who always wears a smile, even though she is going through difficult times. […]

10 04, 2015

Nila’s Special Visit from her Sponsor

2016-01-05T02:28:18-05:00April 10th, 2015|News, Sponsor Visits, Sponsored children|

Do you remember Nila Warsiki, who we appealed for school sponsorship in February? Well since gaining sponsorship from supporter Marte Haraldsen, Nila has been loving going to school. She also received a great surprise when she was visited by Marte! Nila lives together with her parents, brother and sister. The 5 family members all live together in a simple a one-roomed house. Every day, [...]

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