22 02, 2021

Fourth Leonore G Calaustro Learning Center Opens in Bali

2021-02-23T10:37:35-05:00February 22nd, 2021|Library Renovations, News|

Fourth Leonore G Calaustro Learning Center Opens in Bali Bali Children's Project is delighted to present our latest renovation - the Leonore G Calaustro Learning Center, Tabanan.   The Learning Center transformed an old library that was at risk of eathquake and landslide damage to a wonderful new place of inspiration for children.   It is [...]

16 02, 2021

Mita Funds a Library with Birthday Donations

2021-02-16T11:47:05-05:00February 16th, 2021|News|

Mita Funds a Library with Birthday Donations Our latest learning center is complete and it's all thanks to supporter Mita, who asked for donations instead of birthday presents. Mita's friends and family got together and managed to raise $4,000 USD to enable us to renovate Julah Library. Mita's birthday dream has come true - but most [...]

2 02, 2021

Bali Children’s Project Launch Online Child Protection

2021-02-05T16:45:14-05:00February 2nd, 2021|Child Protection, News|

Bali Children's Project Launch Online Child Protection Bali Children's Project is excited to premiere the launch of our online Child Protection Program. It starts with the release of the video 'We are Special: Mawar'. It is the first video of its kind to address child abuse in Indonesia. Our 2021 program focuses on giving schools the [...]

2 02, 2021

Six Students Sponsored in January

2021-02-02T11:48:10-05:00February 2nd, 2021|News, Sponsored children|

Six Students Sponsored in January Our thanks Marta, Mel, Heyden, Lacey, Summer & Maya, Eva & Daniel, Carissa and Hung who all became new sponsors in January. Sponsorships, put simply, are the difference between a life of manual labor and a life of opportunities. Official figures show that one in five students drop out of school [...]

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