30 09, 2016

VIDEO: Sintia’s New Life

2016-09-30T08:00:40-04:00September 30th, 2016|Child of the Month, Enewsletters, Special Donor Projects, Special Projects, Success Stories|

29th September 2016. 12 year old Sintia was found living in a shack in east Bali. Now, we have some incredible news to share about how her life has changed for the better. […]

16 05, 2016

Tim Sykes Donates 25,000 USD!

2016-05-31T17:56:40-04:00May 16th, 2016|News, Special Donor Projects|

16th May 2016. We are incredibly excited to share a special donation from Timothy Sykes. Tim’s incredible generosity will make a huge difference. The funds will support multiple schools and provide educational sponsorships for underprivileged children to finish school. […]

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