Statistics Show 18,000 Students in Bali Unable to Graduate in 2023

Recent statistics released by Indonesia’s National Statistics Agency (Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bali) showed an overall decline in graduation rates in Bali’s poorest areas. With 2023’s data being released, this article explores what it means for Bali and its students.

In Indonesia, a complex high school system means families in poverty struggle to pay for their children to go to school.

There are various fees, ranging from entry fees, semester fees, extra curricular classes, materials, supplies, uniforms and more.

What Does this Data Tell us?

The data tells us more information that has been supported by our experience in the field – children from families in poverty are highly likely to drop out. This is the cycle of generational poverty which Bali Children’s Project aims to break through sponsorships.

Whilst the overall figure suggests 1 in 6 students do not finish school, when looking at low-income communities such as Bangli, that figure is closer to 1 in 4. Gender rates show that both boys and girls are almost even in their success/drop out rates.

The data is further confirmation of the urgent need for targeted interventions, such as financial assistance, to ensure that economic barriers do not hinder students from completing their education.

This is exactly why our sponsorship program exists.

“We are inundated with children on the brink of dropping out” Anastasia Rahayu, Sponsorship Manager said.

“We are grateful to our sponsors who are helping us to sponsor 508 students currently, as well as encouraging visitors to Bali to consider becoming sponsors too.”

Sponsorship Importance

Bali Children’s Project’s founding program was sponsoring children for school. While the need has changed as school has become more accessible, high school age students still need help to graduate.

Sponsors who support children are helping to change student’s futures. By covering all school fees, students who are would-be drop outs have a clear route through school.

Watch Rasmi’s story of being on the brink of dropping out to being sponsored and a business owner.

Inspired by their sponsorships, students are able to graduate and dream of better futures. Without sponsorships, such children are usually restricted to a life of labor or basic ‘day work’.

In Figures

In Bali, the official figures of school participation are:

Primary/Elementary School: 99.6% (one in every two hundred do not graduate)

Junior High School: 97.95% (two in every one hundred do not graduate)

Senior High School: 84.73% (one in six students do not graduate)

The figures for senior high school graduation are higher in the most built-up, higher income areas. Badung, which includes popular tourist resorts of Nusa Dua, Jimbaran, Sanur, Kuta and Canggu, posted a slight drop with 90.30% of students graduating, down from 2022’s figure of 90.79%, but remained as the regency with the top number of graduations.

Lower income rural communities struggled far more though. Bangli’s graduation rate dropped even lower from 75.47% in 2022 to 74.01% in 2023.

Karengasem showed the largest decline in overall graduations, dropping from a rate of 80.13% (2022) to 78.87% (2023).

Denpasar showed the largest improvement, rocketing up from 80.80% (2022) to 83.63% (2023).

The official graduation numbers show 100,612 students graduating in 2022. Based on this figure being 84.73% of documented students, this suggests that 18,132 students did not graduate from high school in 2023.

As in previous years, girls had the highest overall levels of graduation – 84.36% compared to boys at 83.36% (still data from 2022 as 2023 is not available yet).

The above figures do not account for undocumented students/children, who are more likely to be from families of poverty.

Becoming s sponsor with Bali Children’s Projects means that you can change children’s lives forever, giving them the ability to escape poverty through education.

Our sponsorship waiting list is updated daily. If you’d like to read about students currently needing help to stay in school, visit this page.

Sponsor a Student for School

One in five students will never graduate from high school. You can help them to stay in school and escape the cycle of poverty forever.