Thank you! We have now hit our fundraising target!

Sinabun is a remote village in the Buleleng area, where most villagers rely on micro-businesses or farming for their livelihood. The village faces significant challenges, including limited educational resources and a tight budget that cannot meet its needs.

The village library, a vital resource for fostering literacy and a love for reading among students, is in dire need of renovation. The building’s collapsed ceiling poses safety risks, and the lack of engaging reading materials dampens the students’ enthusiasm for learning.

We aim to change this with one of our signature library renovations, but we need your support.

We are crowdfunding to raise $9,750 to completely renovate the library, transforming it into a vibrant new learning center for the children of this remote Balinese village.

How Donations will Help

  • $10 USD can purchase one high quality hardback book

  • $50 USD can provide two  comfortable large bean bags

  • $100 USD buys a high quality table and chair set

  • $250 USD buys around 30 books

  • $450 USD paints an inspiring mural

  • $750 USD can purchase a desktop computer to help with computer learning

Raised so Far

Target Completed!

What happens to my donation once sent?

Your donation will be added to our total amount raised and kept until we are able to reach our project target. Once the full project cost has been raised, we will notify you on project progress.

What about project updates?

Bali Children’s Project will keep you informed with project progress once commenced. After completion, we’ll hold an opening day at the school and publish a video summarising the difference that your donation has helped to make. The project should take 8 weeks to complete once funds are raised.

Anything else I should know?

We’ll be incorporating the names of our kind donors as part of the new mural at the school. It’s a little special thank you for kind supporters of the project. If you have any questions to ask, please get in touch.

Our last renovation…