Bali Green Communities
Bali Children’s Project launches Bali Green Communities in March 2023, with an ambitious plan.
Our goal is to give communities a template for taking care of their environment.
Thanks to support from Circle Club Asia, Acacia and a private donor, the program formally launched in Nyalian Village, Klungkung.
Environment Woes
A vast number of villages in Bali suffer from poor environmental management.
Limited infrastructure and waste disposal, coupled with a lack of education has led to a disastrous situation, where trash is either dumped, burned, or just washed downstream and out to sea.
Poor environmental management within villages creates direct economic, public health and environmental issues, not to mention affecting the planet that children will inherit.
Watch our Launch Day Video
Community Approach
The 18-month pilot project takes place with an aim to change the culture of waste in Nyalian Village.
Using a mix of new community law, infrastructure development and education sessions at all levels, our aim is to change how the community deals with waste.
Focusing on education, it is far more than simply cleaning up trash in illegal landfill areas.
With weekly community workshops, our team is educating from the early stages, right up to adulthood.
After blessings from the Bupati (head of regency) of Klungkung, the program officially launched in March 2023.
Once complete, we hope to emulate the story of Nyalian’s Village into other villages in Bali – offering a genuine alternative for villages to thrive without polluting the environment.