Child Protection

Child Protection Workshops exist to help children and communities understand and stop cases of abuse in Bali.

We are Special: Mawar

Mawar’s story introduces sexual abuse

Badung Teacher Training

A quick look at 2023 teacher training workshops

Child Protection in Bali

Bali Children’s Project launched its Child Protection Program in 2016 to help children in Bali understand and respond to abuse. Unfortunately, like many other countries around the world, children in Bali are not always protected from abuse, which can take many forms.

According to a survey among elementary school children, 90% of students did not know what abuse is. Lack of awareness can prevent children from escaping abusive situations, making it crucial to educate them about abuse and how to respond to it.

Abuse Data and Statistics

The Ministry for the Protection of Women and Children in Indonesia reported 15,517 cases of abuse against children in 2021 [1]. However, this number likely underestimates the actual figure, with only 45 cases reported in Bali in the same year [2].

According to the National Committee for Child Protection, six out of ten abusers of children in Indonesia are close family members in positions of trust [3].

While high-profile cases of abuse make headlines, most abuse remains undetected and unreported. Abusers often convince children that their actions are acceptable, leaving many unaware they are being abused or unable to respond appropriately.

Abuse Awareness

Our abuse awareness program focuses on providing schools with the resources to run their own education sessions. Our team has developed an online and offline learning plan that includes animated videos, physical booklets, and lesson plans exploring abuse topics. Schools sign up to deliver the workshops and report their progress.

Our goal is to ensure mandatory child abuse awareness workshops are delivered in every school in Bali. The program works by forming alliances with school area education boards. In 2021, the Bangli Education Board approved the program, mandating all 162 schools in the area to run abuse awareness workshops. In 2022, the Buleleng Education Board followed suit, instructing all 463 elementary schools to run the abuse awareness program in their schools.

In 2023, Bali Children’s Project added Badung, Jembrana and Karengasem to the regencies signed up to this program. In 2024, we are undertaking our largest iteration of the program yet as we support four remaining regencies of Denpasar, Gianyar, Klungkung and Tabanan).

Our team run regular teacher training workshops, bringing teachers from district schools together to learn about the power of abuse education.

With Thanks to Supporters

The program is kindly supported by The Mel Wolf Foundation. Their support, both in 2024 and historically has enabled this program to launch, grow and impact tens of thousands of children.

Previous years supporters include the Bali Chef’s Charity Lunch and Three Monkeys Cafes whose support has been critical in the development of this program.


[1]14.517 Kasus Kekerasan Anak Terjadi Sepanjang 2021, CNN Indonesia, 20th January 2022.

[2] 45 Children Become Victims of Sexual Violence in Bali, Most of the Perpetrators are Closest People, Kumpuran News, 9th November 2021.

[3] Komnas PA: Perkosaan Anak Terbanyak Dilakukan oleh Orang Dekat, KOMPAS, 25th April 2017.

[4] Siswi SMP Bersetubuh Dibayar Rp 50.000, Video Persetubuhan Warga Tejakula Buleleng Viral di WhatsApp, Bali Tribun, 15th December, 2021.

[5] Setubuhi Anak Dibawah Umur di Jembrana, Kakek 79 Tahun Divonis Sembilan Tahun Penjara, Bali Tribun, 31st August 2021.

[6]Kisah Tragis Bocah 13 Tahun di Bali, Penyebab Kematian Terungkap Usai Makam Dibongkar, Sang Ayah Jadi Tersangka, Kompas, 14th October 2021.

News from the Child Protection Program

We are seeking funding to help maintain and support this program.
If you can help, please get in touch.

You can help us expand our reach of this program in 2023 through financial support.
Project costs include dedicated staff, education booklets, children’s prizes, animated video production and more.