Can you help us raise 4,250 USD to transform Melati Kindergarten?
Melati Kindergarten is located in rural Bali, far from the bustling areas of the south.
The school has a good building which doesn’t require many physical fixes. On the face of it, it’s a good building.
However, the condition of most of their furniture is broken and infested with woodworm. Students have poor quality plastic chairs to sit on. Almost all of their supplies are old and broken too.
The teachers are immensly proud of their school – attendance is so high that they have to run two separate classes. But all they can really teach students are the very basics – like singing songs and learning to count.
Most of the community here are laborers, farmers and few of them are sellers in traditional markets. There are parents from 7 banjars (small villagers) who usually send their children every year in this school.
We aim to breathe new life into this kindergarten. We will give the school brand new furniture and a full compliment of learning supplies. They’ll have educational toys, arts and crafts supplies and all they need to teach their students through play based learning. Finally, we’ll paint murals in the classrom to promote a fun learning atmosphere.