When we met Wayan Yuliantari in 2007 she was a bright girl with slim prospects of staying in school. People in her family and community had not been able to get an education and she wanted to be the first. Bright and personable, she was so pleased when her sponsor, Bhanu of Royal Hotels, said that he would sponsor her through high school.
Wayan finished high school and was the first to join the scholarship program offered to BCP at Jamu Spa, where she quickly excelled. She continued working there as she got married and had a baby, and now is working at Taman Rahasia Hotel and Spa in Ubud. There she does massage and works in the restaurant, and the owner says that she is one of the finest employees.
This has made her the first in her family to not only finish high school but to also have a specialty and a career. She makes both her family and BCP extremely proud.