27th February 2017.
Our 2017 Sex Education Workshops are back! We brought our innovative workshops to 5 schools in Gianyar, Bali and started an engaging new competition between schools.
2017 Sex Education
We’re proud to bring back our Sex Education Workshops for yet another year. It’s the fourth consecutive year running the workshops, which are now bigger and better than ever.
We’ll be visiting even more schools, educating more teenagers in issues surrounding drugs, sexual disease, reproduction and emotional freedom.
Thanks to a combination of funding from the Mel Wolf Foundation and Three Monkey’s Cafe, we’ve developed a program that will create waves throughout Bali.
Workshops in Gianyar
The program has never been so big, but there has also never been such a high need. Latest government reports there was a total number of 18,673 confirmed cases of HIV and AIDS in Bali – it’s the latest figure in a worrying rising trend.
Starting this year in January, our dedicated team were busy delivering workshops at schools SMAN I Blahbatuh, SMK Snajiwani1, SMPN 3 Ubud, SMPN Blahbatuh and SMPN 1 Blahbatuh.
We’ll be heading to every regency in Bali throughout the year.
Impact Beyond Schools
The focus is on education – but not what you might expect. Aside from simply running workshops directly to 100s of teenage students, it’s the indirect impact that will really help to turn sexual health into a subject that can be talked about.
By working with ‘KSPAN’ clubs – a sort of Sex Education Club that each high school in Bali is obliged to have – we’ll be reaching far more students and communities. These dedicated sessions will combine clubs from each
workshops, helping them to develop real aims, targets and goals.
Creating Inspired Clubs
The clubs automatically enter into a competition to be crowned one of the top 10 KSPAN clubs in Bali. The winners are the clubs that show most improvement, dedication and impact.
Inspiring KSPAN clubs is a key way of impacting their wider schools and communities. Currently, many KSPAN clubs lack the resource and ability to truly educate others.
With ongoing guidance, support and incentives from Bali Children’s Project, we’re giving each school the opportunity to reach 1000s and take ownership in educating such an important subject.
We thank the Canggu Community School for additional program support. Our thanks also goes to the schools, government health officials, teachers and of course the students.
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