Despite the pandemic, Bali Children’s Project donors have helped to renovate a Mangesta Library in anticipation for schools to reopen once again.

Early this year, we asked supporters to help contribute to help us reach our target of 3,500 USD to transform Mangesta Library.

By the end of March, we were able to reach our target, thanks to several donations from kind people.

While the pandemic has shut down a lot of Bali, our long term goals remain the same – providing an infrastructure to help improve education for children in Bali.

Schools are currently closed and when children get back to school they’ll have this as a wonderful surprise! It’s a facility that will last years and educate hundreds of students.

Community Donors to the Rescue

After launching the Community Donor Project, Bali Children’s Project is delighted to see donors helping us reach our fundraising target.

We thank the donors who have all pitched in to make this project a success. Our thanks to donors The Udaya Resort & Spa, The Mansion Resort & Spa, Karma Group, Kevin, Stephanie, Michelle, Jan, Laura and Marietess who all supported this appeal.

Our next Community Donor Project is The Banana School – a kindergarten that needs a similar renovation. The COVID19 crisis has put the breaks on fundraising for now, but we hope supporters will still want to help. So far we have raised 1,000 USD towards our target of 5,000 USD.

Libraries in Need

In Bali, each elementary school is required to have a library building. However, with most schools struggling for funds, these libraries are often old and broken. Books are normally black and white plain-text books and not remotely interesting for students.

The result is a lack of interest in reading and buildings that are hardly used.

Bali Children’s Project works with communities who have shown a commitment to educating their students, helping them to renovate libraries.

The renovations transform libraries from boring and unimaginative places to wonderful new facilities, full of excitement and new worlds.

There is a list of other libraries that need help on our Fund a Library page.



Most kindergartens in Bali lack supplies and support. We are helping to improve the quality of education by providing these.

Bali Children’s Project is proud to help schools and libraries improve, as well as showing donors exactly how their funds are spent. Please help us to transform more schools in Bali.