It’s a little known fact that each elementary school in Bali must have a designated library building.
However, many of these libraries are in extremely poor condition, creating a spiral where students do not use their designated libaries. Often, the buildings are in such poor condition that they are unsafe for students to learn inside them. Other times, buildings are missing ceilings.
Even when the buildings are still in usable condition, there is another challenge; inspiring children to use them. Often dark and boring, many libraries are filled only with text or workbooks that are not so interesting for children.
In a recent study, Indonesia ranked 60 out of 61 nations on literacy levels.
What’s the Solution?
Elementary school is free in Bali, which means that most children can access them. But it also creates another problem – there isn’t the money available to create high quality libraries.
Bali Children’s Project aims to change this, one library at a time. By renovating the buildings, fully equipping them with books/furniture and new paint jobs, libraries go from glorified storerooms to places exploding with life.
Sourcing books that are colorful, fun, educational and motivational, children are given fantastic new facilities to learn. For most children, it’s the first time they’ve ever had access to quality books.
When budget allows, we can add computers and English lessons to truly turn the buildings into learning centres.
How is it Achieved?
Working with schools is essential. The buildings are community buildings so require a strong community commitment. That’s why we work with schools that are truly invested in educating their children.
So far in 2019, Bali Children’s Project has opened seven libaries/learning centres all over Bali. Over their lifetime, it gives thousands of students access to libraries, computers and English lessons.
However, we rely on support from donors to be able to fund library renovations. Whether it’s donating a few books, or funding a whole renovation, donors are invited to support a library in Bali.
You can see our Fund a Library page here.
You can see some of our Completed Projects here.
If you’d like to support a library, please get in touch.