Supply Boxes Appeal Success

Thanks to the kind support of donors for our end-of-year appeal, we have raised a huge 8,151 USD from our appeal to provide supply boxes to schools and libraries.

In our appeal, we emphasized the importance of supporting underserved schools by assembling brand new supply boxes. The aim of the appeal was to breathe life into libraries filled with dull textbooks and to equip kindergartens with essential educational supplies.

Children were delighted to receive books which they’d never normally be able to access

Empowering Schools Through Supply Boxes

Acknowledging that we do not have the funds available to renovate every school we come across, the idea of the appeal was to give these schools a boost through giving book and supply boxes.

Thanks to the generous response of donors, our team has successfully delivered 29 boxes throughout Bali (to 29 different schools!), making an incredible difference in the lives of students and teachers alike.

School support manager Ayu delivers one of the 29 supply boxes to a kindergarten

Transformative Impact

At Bukit 4 Elementary, the arrival of new storybooks filled with color and imagination sparked joy among the children, many of whom have limited access to books outside of school. Similarly, at Singakerta 3 Library, teachers expressed relief as, previously, they struggled to ignite a passion for reading with the poor quality books available.

The excitement of opening up new books and discovering new worlds together

Kindergarten Joy

The impact extended to kindergartens as well, where outdated resources were replaced with boxes filled with new educational toys, games, and materials. Previously, teachers made do with old wooden blocks and limited supplies. But now, they have the tools to elevate the standard of education and create a more enjoyable learning experience for young children.

Kindergarteners celebrate the unpacking of their school supply box

Your Support Makes a Difference

That has all changed with the gift of supply boxes. The new supplies enable teachers to educate their children to a better standard and helps children to enjoy their early education with better quality learning materials.

We thank all appeal donors who helped to make this happen, boosting children’s education in 29 schools. As our team delivers the final supply boxes, we will send every single donor photos of the school you have helped.

You can still donate books to libraries, supplies to schools or help to give consistent support to schools by joining our monthly giving program ‘Champions for Children’.

Students are better able to learn with new materials, games and supplies

Support Bali Children’s Project

In order to sustain projects like this, Bali Children’s Project relies on support from kind donors. To help give Child Protection education a sustainable future, please consider becoming a monthly ‘Champions for Children’ Donor