28th December 2017.

With 14 new sponsors from October – December, disadvantaged children are ending the year on a high note – they no longer need to worry about school fees.

More joy has been spreading throughout Bali, thanks to new sponsorships in the last quarter of the year. Sponsorship had slowed down during the worrying condition of volcano Mount Agung. In fact, we had sadly seen a few children lose their sponsors unexpectedly.

Super Sponsors

Thanks to rise in sponsors, especially in December, prospects changed for children who had been stuck on ‘the waiting list’. Now they are sponsored, their school costs are covered and their progress monitored under the watchful eyes of our local co-ordinators.

You can find out more about how sponsorships work here.

Our immense thanks goes to new sponsors Alicia, Michael, Brittany, Nana, Gjermund, Chantal, Isobella, Koji, Anne, Kevin and Sahra. Telling children they have been sponsored is our favourite part of the job. The smiles and feelings of relief say more than words can ever do.

You can see all sponsored children below.

85 Children Sponsored in 2017

Adding all new sponsors in 2017, together we have managed to carve new futures for a further 85 children – all of whom were likely to drop out of school.

Approximately one in ten children in Bali will not finish school because of cost. The sponsorships focus on finding these children and offering them a new future. 85 may not sound like a staggering number to some, but one only has to visit just one family to see the actual impact of sponsorships.

Futures are instantly changed, children do not have to work instead of go to school and families do not have to be forced into taking their children out of school.

Education in Bali truly does represent a future. Indeed, so many sponsored children work their hardest to do their absolute best in school, with their dreams of looking after their own families one day.

Sponsorship Success

These last sponsorships of the year bring the total number of children sponsored by Bali Children’s Project to 274 – how incredible!

Can you Become a Sponsor?

Our sponsorship Waiting List is regularly updated. When one child is sponsored, we are able to add a new child to the waiting list.

You can see the current waiting list here or contact us to find out more.