Our next regency visit for our HIV/AIDS and Sex education program completes in Badung, delight as we gain more sponsors for children to access school and an introduction to our lovely supporters Jamu Spa, Bali Buda, Social Gem and Anserai.


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There’s been plenty happening at Bali Children’s Project – and it’s all good news!We have seen so many new caring people step up to sponsor children in need of school support, changing their lives forever. Our HIV/Sex Education program is having a huge impact in all areas of Bali, with some great responses and we have exciting news of our herbal learning gardens!Warmest regards,Linda, John, Joyce, Eka & the BCP team

Sex Education Matters

We visited multiple schools in Jembrana and Badung regencies to deliver our series of sex education workshops. The difference the workshops are making to youngsters is invaluable and we’ve had some great feedback. Bandung was hit by 1,343 cases in 2014. Read all about the Jembrana sessions here or see ourfacebook album in Bandung

Can you sponsor Tari?

Eight year old Tari is from a family of 10, who can barely afford living costs, let alone school fees. She sleeps in a small room with the her family and dreams of one day becoming a chef. To read Tari’s letter to her potential sponsor or to become her sponsor, click here.

Garden’s Growing

Work at our herbal teaching garden is progressing nicely. We have installed a new teaching ‘bale’ in the garden for kids and visitors to learn. Stay tuned, as we’re hoping to bring some very exciting news about the garden soon! See photos here

Anserai Supports BCP!

We are excited to partner with stylishAnserai – an  online boutique of curated décor collections. Anserai are supporting BCP by donating a portion of all sales from ‘Collection #1: INDONESIA // ULUWATU TO UBUD’. If you are after that special piece, look no further! Read about our partnership or visit Anserai’s shop.

Teaching the Teachers

Did you know that we run regular teacher training sessions? The brainchild of our  super volunteer Jillian, the sessions aim to improve the quality of education. See more here

Workshops in the Community

Starting with our friends at Bali Buda, we have been working on widening the scope of our sex education work. We’re hoping to bring the program to adults and children in local businesses and communities. Find out how here.

Double Delight for Twins

We were so excited to find a new sponsor for our lovely twins Mariana and Mariani. Both were desperate to stay in school and now they can thanks to the sponsorship from kind supporter Penny, who is sponsoring both sisters. In fact Penny is even planning a visit to see the girls! You can read more here or see oursponsorships page here.

Social Gem’s Mother’s Day Gift

Our kind friends at Social Gem have been running a Mother’s Day campaign to help Bali Children’s Project sponsor girls to access school. Best of all, they’ll be continuing their support. Thank you Social Gem! See their website for jewellery that makes a difference!

Can you become a Sponsor?

Sponsoring children’s schools costs is one of the most rewarding gifts – it completely changes the course of children’s lives. It gives them the options and tools to make a living and break the cycle of poverty. We always have a long waiting list of children needing you help You can see our regularly updatedwaiting list here. Pictured: Yeni Frantika Devi, kindly sponsored by Jeannine.

More news from BCP

Nila’s Special Sponsor Visit

SPONSORED: Ni Luh Rasmiati

Swimming fun for kids at The Mansion Baliwood

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Australian Family to Family Sponsors

SPONSORED: Future policeman Putu

Career Opportunities for Girls with Jamu Spa

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SPONSORED: Putu Dea’s School Progress

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